And then I spent sometimes strolling around. The story begins.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Discussion Between Animals
And then I spent sometimes strolling around. The story begins.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Kangar, a small town in north Peninsular Malaysia
I woke up at 6am these two mornings for the jogging as well as wandering sessions, I had to "restore" the usual me by now. I had been sleeping or waking up late this few days, and it is a norm for everyone of us to keep eating and eating during Chinese New Year.
It was an hour of hard work this morning, yet the breezy morning that changed from the initially dark, dim and finally to bright was really enjoyable. There was a mountain beside me and with paddy fields spread in between.
I did not manage to locate a good angle to snap the big-orange sun, anyhow it was good to have it to kick off the day. The popping up morning sun is always soft and gentle, and somehow I had my own theory that man should have discovered the sun is in a round shape only when they woke up early in the morning.
(Early birds have worms for their breakfast, and, for a man, he get to discover a new theory).
I was gifted with a good mountain view when Mother Nature had the morning sunshines pouring on it. I just needed to perform a simple click to have “the mountain in flame” been shared with you.
This marks the start of my stories I had in Kangar which I have promised earlier. In fact, I acquired some new experiences that I was not able to have at my Cerok Tokun.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
make-up of trees
The only difference is after the clock had struck twelve, the gowns would never disappear.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Only tradition on these few days
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Wishing Everybody a Happy and Prosperous Year of Ox
Friday, January 23, 2009
Trees are kind.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I happened to know that a new friend who I did not know, and might not going to know, visited my website. He was from Gaza, Palestinian Territory. (Thanks to Statcounter for this free service).
He might have stayed for seconds, he might have browsed through a few of my posts, at the end, this visit did create ripples in my heart.
I always mumble in the web, some of you have overheard and responded to me. I always mumble about the things I saw and the emotion that I felt on the place of my living. It is for sure will be felt very much differently at another corner of the world.
What I want to tell is that I am writing something which may somehow be a nonsense to someone who are suffering now; on the other hand, it may serve as a funny stuff that make him smile or laugh out loud. I rather prefer to believe in the later, and I always hope so.
The picture that I attached today displayed a harmonious place different trees live at. Be it Mr. Tree A, Mr. Tree B or Mr. Tree C, they have different names, they grow in different shapes and different colours, there is minority as well as majority in population, but they live harmoniously, and continuously to be century after century, under the same blue sky, in the only world we have.
1. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
2. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
3. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Appointment with trees
The shooting had to be done in a fast mode, as along this Penang National Park, eyes after eyes seemed very funny to me, as I were so odd to them as well by having some very odd photographing positions.
The eyes were belonged to the trekkers, but who knew, the tree were also watching, laughing, sharing and spreading the jokes around which would last for another decades.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Preferred Scientific Name: Melaleuca cajuputi Powell
English: swamp tea-tree
Australia: paperbark tea-tree cajuput tree
Indonesia: kayu putih
Malaysia: kayu putih, gelam, gelam tikus
Thailand: samet
Vietnam: chè dong, tran, chi cay, bach thien tâng
It is as funny in the world of trees as in that of human.
Friday, January 16, 2009
There is a reason behind
I have yet to witness any mountain biking on this trek. Hopefully I shall have the opportunity to tell you some stories on this.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Story on the trails, not on top of trees
That is why I have changed my strategy. I explore something that stay low, on the trail. By then, you read no bird's story, no squirrel's story, but I have the story on ants in return.
But before they are able to go blogging, they must first survive from our footsteps. There is no warning sign or traffic light installed for this pedestrian crossing.
There is one type of big red ant that bite. We called them Weaver Ant. It is very painful by then. I shall tell you if I get the picture.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Mushroom, Cerok Tokun
Friday, January 9, 2009
Reading and Jungle Trekking are alike
......I have the tendency to show up-going trekking trail in my posts. We climbed a small step and felt very proud when we were young. We tried our limit when we get stronger. Of course, people continues to try our limit and potential as well. Everyone calls this Challenge.
......The journey may be painful, and it may be fruitful. That's why I am still dreaming of Mount Kinabalu after almost a year since I have climbed to the Low's Peak.
(The background is not the Low's Peak actually)
And my journey continues. Day after day. I continue to read and wander around. To catch up new knowledge, new experience and new friends.
(This is my thought today. From reading on posts which then pulled trekking together. Sort of wild crazy. Should be having too much reading).
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Blue water
Monday, January 5, 2009
The Tree With Face
If you happen to trek along this jungle trail, try to spot this tree with face and give it a hug. To ensure we will talk on the same tree, the signboard is the reference.
Enjoyment Matters; Pantai Kerachut
And you see, up, up, up...... up to the rock was another way to have fun. The moment he smiled, waved his hands and showed the V-sign, this was what he called fun.
But when I looked back, they were washed away by the waves within seconds.
So will be yours.
Nobody had the privilege to demand for a Forever.
And, this wraps up my stories on Pantai Kerachut.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Meromictic Lake, Kerachut Beach
It was low tides at the time I reached the beach, the lake looked like a field of mudflats with only some water flowing on low areas. Wonder why there were no birds flying around looking for foods. During spring tides, seawater enters through the opening which is on the left side of the picture to fill the lake slowly. At the time I made my move, although seawater started to enter the lake, it might be too early and I did not actually witness the phenomenon that fresh water at the top and sea water at the bottom.
The background forest was where we had walked through earlier.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2009 at the Esplanade, Penang
There was a New Year Countdown at the Esplanade, Penang.
Thousands of people poured in from all corners to witness the Bye-bye to 2008 and Welcome, 2009.
At that moment the clock showed 12:00 midnight, the sky was painted with various colours of enjoyment and hope; wishing 2009 to be a better year, no war, no further economical downfall; wishing both our state and federal government will bring safety to our environment and wishing them to be wiser in solving people's problems.
The ceremony lasted for a short seven minutes. The groups of people started to disperse like flowing water.
And the night returned to its usual calmness. As peaceful as everyday, and peacefully forever.
Happy New Year 2009.