Friday, February 27, 2009
Grassroots and top of trees
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Raining Days
Monday, February 23, 2009
Waterfall, the path of time
It has done the most when the falls keep rushing and drumming down repeatedly in day and night. The traces of dark unrecoverable carving proved to be the most memorable parts of past ages.
Anyhow, the final fall before water returns to ground and converts into a creek provides a good natural massage to those who have chosen the right location. It is located at the bottom right corner in the next picture.
The power of time and nature can never be underestimated which you must agree with me. The gorgeous artistic look on the last picture should have given us the answer. At the same time has registered down the path of time.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Bujang Valley Archaeological Museum
Mount Jerai can be seen at the far side behind the museum. The lush tropical rainforest greenery in the background of the museum was really a good replacement after the earlier setback.
Research showed that because of its favourable location along the trade route, Bujang Valley became an important and prosperous kingdom attracting traders from China and India.
The treasure trove showed Bujang Valley had a thriving Hindu and Buddhist civilisation from third to 14th century AD.
A sitting Budda Statue
Having gone through a brief history lesson, then come a big surprise to me. I got to know some stories of Cerok Tokun, my weekend lover, 40km away from her home. I do not know whether she was too shy to tell me on the spot or her caretaker did not bother at all.
Cerok Tokun inscription chiseled in Sanskrit meaning 'while Young' dated to the 4th century AD.
A sailor named Buddha-Gupta was wished a safe voyage in the inscription dated in 5th century AD were discovered in 1845. Every now and then, when the trees start talking, I shall know and appreciate that they will be telling me stories back to few hundred years ago.
By the way, for someone who are interested to track my footsteps at Bujang Valley, then once you exit Sungai Petani at the southern toll, follow the signs and you will be led on a 20km drive to Bujang Valley, Merbok where the museum is located.
I shall come back in the next post showing you some pictures on waterfalls at Bujang Valley.
Friday, February 20, 2009
My tree at Lembah Bujang
This story is not the continuity of previous post. It is just a coincidence that you may think I have made up.
The red ants were not only found on the vine, but they were everywhere. And this everywhere is located at Lembah Bujang of Kedah State, somewhere nearby Gurun.
I'll continue in next few posts on some stories about Lembah Bujang. See you then. But before I leave, my words to you: "Again, curiosity kills the cat".
(According to Chinese, by the way, cat does have nine lives. It affords to be curious anyhow).
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Another Ant Story
I rather not to talk too much and to move away fast before I got into trouble with the big red ants again. Before that, the size of the ants is measured at about 10mm in length. How big is 10mm? It is equavalent to a couple of hours of pain if you are bitten. Sorry, I can only relate the red ants to my bad experience.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
River Bank at Sunset
There are Mangrove trees along the whole stretch of river bank. Crabs that dwell in the swamp used to be trapped for a good meal.
At the far side, a wader looked like white Stork was seen wading along the wet land.
I walked around searching for some good angles for my pictures on sunset. My luck might be good as I found a few fishing rods which I believed can help to talk my pictures better than human. The silent talk must be the best, if there is any.
I smiled to the owner of the fishing rods. We smiled to each other tacitly.
I have never thought of taking pictures over here before. I have never imagined how can I produce good pictures at this river bank which looks nothing special, muddy and, I hate to say, dirty.
At this moment, I do not know whether I have been fooled or you have been manipulated.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Is it a Kite?
While wandering around, I detected a small bird stayed atop a tree. It was easier to be seen on a bare branch.
When I moved my camera, I saw something. I was very firm to tell it was a kite, and was not a bird, a plane, superman nor UFO. It makes my life easier than solving the bird's identity.
I looked back then, the bird has disappeared.
Has the bird camouflaged itself as a kite, or the kite was actually a bird earlier? My problem arose again.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
The bird called back
I feel very guilty making everybody busy locating my birdie.
A whole day research does not give it a sure name, but the closest match should be Bulbul which may not be true as well.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Look Like a Deer in Headlights
Similarly, we drive to and from work everyday. This routine has been programmed into our mind. At any one day when we were not at work but went by a place which required making a turn instead of going straight follow the daily routine, unconsciously we might still go straight heading to office. At the time we noticed it was a couple of minutes later.
What we do or say at every minute, I mean, are mostly control by our sub-consciousness. The way sub-consciousness built up the data bank is from how we thought repeatedly, or from the experiences we have gone through. We will show negative behaviors if we think negatively, it is only either purposely or unintentionally.
Then here come my main point of today. I have commented when deer see headlights (, they see hell. At the first place, why heaven never came across my mind? Why only hell? I was asked, and now I am asking myself. I did not have any traumatic deer experience. I have to say they are lovely especially Bambi.
If I think evil, I'll see evil.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Where is my bird?
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Some other stories
These were not wild deer that run freely in the jungle. Their lack of activeness were common to all other animals that live in a zoo. What else they can do other than eat and sleep? They even did not bother to look at the visitors. To them, we were just another bored passengers who "hu hu ha ha" outside the fencing.
So far I discovered only red and green dragonflies. It should be more than these, only that I had not seen others.
On the way to research around for the origin of the name "dragonfly", (I did not somehow get an answer on this), I found that in some places, dragonflies have often been seen as sinister, what a pity to these little things. They are linked to evil, horse possessed by the devil, Hell's mare, eye poker or eye snatcher.
This should not be the fault of this insect. Human is just too creative to make fun of them.