My weekend lover always provides me with countless wonder she owns for my various experiments. It then solely depends on how good I am to discover them. To my new visitors, Cerok Tokun is my weekend lover. I shall miss her so much if I ever skip any hiking trip during the weekend. The experiments I have done or am going to do are nothing related to test tubes, beakers or whatsoever. The only equipment I use is my camera.
I was able to capture the spider webs with the help of spiders or some other foreign objects, but yet to do so on a clean and empty web.
Interesant blog.
I practically had to google search Cherok To'Kun and found out it's in Penang..duh! How silly of me not to know about this place in Penang where I spent 3 years of my life. Sad! Thank you introducing your weekend lover. I thought she was fluffy, apparently she's a lush :) So, more photos on the way?
Comella::: Thanks for your visit.
Megaa_V::: You have spent 3 years in Penang. Were you in the island or in mainland?
If you are heading to the mainland from Penang Island using the bridge, Cherok To'kun or Cerok Tokun is right in front of you.
Sure, more photos are on the way. Basically my blog focuses mainly on this weekend lover.
I love the last two photos.
It's nice to have weekend lover to keep you busy...
I am not sure if I want to get close to spiders!
I'm glad you posted these pictures of spider webs. I was trying to get some pictures of webs too, but I haven't gotten them to show up in the picture yet. I do have a good spider story coming soon though. These pictures you have are all very good.
Interesting effect on the last web, I like it so arty.
Capturing spider webs is a bit hard, I got a good one once with frost on it, showed up nicely.
those were totally awesome!
I was in the Island Rain, near Bayan Baru. Those were the days. I really enjoyed my time there. So, Cerok Tokun is on the mainland. I think it's time to revisit Penang :) Ever consider to become an Ambassador of Cerok Tokun? You're really good in promoting her :)
The Fern and Mossery::: They are my favorite as well.
Icy BC::: She not only keeps me busy but always get me exhausted finally.
Ratty::: Is it a story on Spiderman? just cannot wait for it.
Glennis::: I should have missed yours. Maybe a link can help.
The Retired One::: They are as awesome as me during which the pictures were taken.
Megaa_V::: I worked there 2 years ago. Just came back to mainland to avoid the daily traffic jam on the bridge.
Haha, have never thought about the big title....
Excellent Photos!
Very interesting Blog! Keep it up!!
Rainfields now I am confused is Cerok Tokun on the island or where I would call Butterworth being a Brit?
Kirigalpoththa::: Thank you very much.
Mike::: Cerok Tokun is on the mainland, Butterworth is the common saying, Bukit Mertajam (BM)is to be accurate.
Great photos Looi, but greater is your time management and the greatest is the nature which inspires you to combine pictures and words.
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