I did not have any idea on Ham 'n Eggs which spells like a Bacon and Eggs kind of thing. When I knew it is a common name for one kind of flower over here, then it really arouses my interest. Further research reveals that it carries other funny names: Spanish Flag and red (yellow, wild) sage. In order to confirm its Chinese name, I need to refer to shrub verbena or lantana.
Actually I have lantanas in my garden for years, I have safely kept the blossoms fresh in my hard disk long enough, unnamed. Having known its name by someone across the ocean was a great present to me in this morning.

Texas Lantana(L. urticoides)
Lantanas can be easily seen in the wild and along footpaths in my neighbourhood. The charming colours had attracted my wife for a long time until one day we found them along our jogging trail, we decided to upgrade them to one of our ornamentals.
Anyhow, to have these little plants in my garden is not a bad idea, even the tiny bud looks so unique and funny in the picture.

Lantanas can be easily seen in the wild and along footpaths in my neighbourhood. The charming colours had attracted my wife for a long time until one day we found them along our jogging trail, we decided to upgrade them to one of our ornamentals.
No special care or attention was served to these lantanas after the promotion. Their inborn capabilities see the plants grow strong and blossom continuously.

One thing that I have overlooked, and only got to know by today, is lantanas are mildly toxic.
Lantana camara blanca
One thing that I have overlooked, and only got to know by today, is lantanas are mildly toxic.
The flower bud does look strange. But nevertheless nice flowers in full bloom.
These images of the flower are very pretty
Very unique
i love them because like what you said they are so easy to grow and very low maintenance plants and they seem to bloom all year. here in CA, we see them mostly as ornaments ( since I believe they are not native to here, and because they are low maintenance plants, they are adopted and became popular for landscape). i did not know the name before, much more the ham and eggs :) love your pictures.
How big are these? Think they are very small in size. We definitly have similar flower here in SL too..growing in the wild..
Beautiful close up shots! I have seen this type of flower before but I am not so sure.. I know nothing 'bout flowrers... :(
Interesting photos... Sometimes the photos are really beautiful that when you see the true or original subject one gets disappointed...
I also took close up photo of a flower but yours looks much better,,, Beautiful!!!
Mei Teng::: Strange people looks for strange things to be pictured. Ha ha..
roentarre::: They are colourful, in my garden.
betchai::: Low maintenance and always in full blossoms are the reasons we grow them too. They are not less charming than the roses, I do believe.
Kirigalpoththa::: They are about one inch in size. According the study, you must have them in SL.
Some Explorations::: Thanks for your visit. You have the flower, Tulip, that I like the most.
Details::: Ha Ha!! You get the points. Camera always mislead people. Photographer is the culprit.
RojenU::: You have a very nice written story that I enjoy very much in you blog.
Beautiful flower pictures!
I come across this flower often, but didn't know its name, and now I do..
Your lantanas are unique and beautiful flowers. I've never seen any like it before.
i have another variety of lantana camara... red and orangy. love this flower
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