Saturday, December 12, 2009

On the Road Again

I placed my backpack on the ground, unzipped and took out my camera, zipped back, switched on the camera, checked the setting, removed the lens cap, laid down and, ready to take the shots.

I was supposed to see a few swallows circling above the trees in my pictures. The golden and white colours that were painted on their feathers by the morning sun had magically changed from one side to another, when the swallows were flying in different directions.

I was supposed to, but actually not. When I was ready, the birds were gone. I had captured only some bright and dark branches.

Yes, I was on the road again, and was as strong as before, kept overtaking others and exercised my heart to the extreme during the ascending trail.

This is somewhere near the peak where I make my turning back nowadays. I do not like to hike near the telecommunication towers.

And all these trees have thus become my closed friends, they housed the monkeys for my pictures, and they change as when the weather changes; they can be mysterious behind the foggy weather, or stand up uniquely against the blue sky.

I am happy with the pictures without any birds, they still look good in their own way. What if I remove the second picture, can I tell I have snowflakes atop the trees? I am in winter time too even it visits only the other side of the world.


Mike said...

Rainfields I now have visions of you laying on the jungle carpet staring at the heavens.

Pity about the swallows but watch the red ants!

eileeninmd said...

I know how you are feeling,the birds are always disappearing on me! Wonderful photos, just beautiful!

Rick (Ratty) said...

Those two pictures of the trees look like they could come from winter. This is one of the hardest times of winter here because it has just begun. It takes a little while for us to adjust to the cold weather. I'm glad for you that your temperatures don't change quite as much as ours.

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Yes,they are beautiful in their own way even without the birds.

There were lots of instances that I want to click on birds and I find it difficult.

Happy weekend rainfiled. btw, i've added your site here:

Diane AZ said...

The sunlit and dark branches are beautiful against the blue sky and I like the perspective of image in the middle.

Anonymous said...

Wow..that blue sky is incredible! Bluer than blue, and beautiful, rainfield..glad you're back hiking...

wenn said...


FilipBlog said...

Nice pictures and very original blog

Kind regards,

rainfield61 said...

Mike: There are more than red ants in the jungle. We have centepedes, millipedes, scorpions etc. to name a few.
But laying down is very enjoyable if I can see such a blue sky.

eileeninmd: Is amazing to find birds in the winter time. They are very different experiences, yours and mine.

Ratty: You must have cut short your winter adventure today. Outdoor activity during this time is really difficult, but my pictures can warm your heart.

Misalyn: By the way, I managed to capture a Kingfisher. A blue againt the blue.
Happy weekend, my friend.

Diane AZ: I feel dizzy when I am looking at the middle photo. Urgg..

Icy BC: The sky is blue, it is deep, and must be very interesting at that depth.

wenn: Thks.

Filip Demuinck: This is one and the only one, the original hiking blog that aims to entertain you all.

Sharkbytes said...

I loved going on your hike with you!

AVCr8teur said...

You have looked high & low during your hike. A blue sky and branches still make a beautiful picture. I learned from going on photo outings to bring a large plastic garbage bag in case I do have to lay down to capture the sky upward or mushrooms low to the ground.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Those twigs and trees are beautiful in even without the birds. Nice captures!

Sharkbytes (TM) said...

Hi- I have chosen this blog as one of the 20 Charter Inductees into a Favorite Nature Blog feed. I've been building it over the last few days, and plan to start promoting it tomorrow. See

Over the next few months I would like to "interview" each of the bloggers, and do one post on each person.

Hoping that this will bring a little more traffic your way.

Celebrating Nature, sharkbytes

XoXo said...

Never mind the swallows, you still did get the most wonderful sky shot rain.

Jane said...

Doesn't matter that you were not able to capture them, the light in the photos and the perspective is wonderful without them. Thanks for sharing them:)

Bengbeng said...

from yr description ascending it mus b a challenging trail. love the previous post rainbow

Cheryl said...

Very nice photos of a gorgeous sky and the trees.

Jean said...

there's no cloud means it's a sunny day!

A smile from SJ =)

rainfield61 said...

Sharkbytes: This is what I used to do, I always assume my friends are watching me.
BTW, thanks for your effort to
build which will include mine as one of the favories.

AVCr8teur: The large plastic bag is a good and useful tip. Glad that you have shared with me.

Kirigalpoththa: They are beautiful under the sunlight. Wonder how they look in the night.

Pacey: Oh yes, I went back this morning, they still looked good.

Jane: We always mention those we have not managed to get. They may not turn out to be as good what if we have them.

Bengbeng: If you happen to come back to BM, let's have a hike and share your experience later. Yes?

Cheryl: This is the joy of photography.

SJ: Tere's no cloud means it's a sunny day, and no rain.

Sharodindu said...

great shots...colourful amd vibrating..
liked the bluest sky u have captured...against the branches of the tree is seems like you have caged it.


maricar said...

never mind the birds rain the blue sky... how i wish right now that wonderful blue sky is here...

thanks for turning my gray sky into blue...

i forgot that Penang is the Island itself, thanks for reminding me rain whew! :)

have a nice week

SquirrelQueen said...

The dark branches reaching for the brilliant blue sky are beautiful without or with the birds. And while they are not necessary for a day's enjoyment they might add a song or two.

Bengbeng said...

yes, i most definitely will include it in my plans. but i am not a fit person like u, i wonder if i can cope. the last time i did something like this was when

omos a yr ago :)

rainfield61 said...

Sharodindu: The camera may have turned the sky into the bluest, but it looked great.

maricar: Oh Ya! I played trick to change your gray sky into blue, and Penang is always an Island, even after 2012.

Have a nice week.

SquirrelQueen: I can't remember any song to go along with you.

Lemon tree?

Bengbeng: Great! You have joined the Hash, though almost a year ago.

See you then at Cerok Tokun.

hetty said...

It's a beautiful shot even without the birds! I love the sunlight on the branches. And the sky is such a lovely blue.

VanillaSeven said...

That's a cool photos you took there. Sometimes tree looks the best without the birds

roentare said...

The weather is perfect for an outing

I am trying to do more film shots on days like this one these days

Helena said...

I love your photos! There's such a peaceful beauty in seeing the branches against such a blue sky.

Anonymous said...

The skies are so blue! I love blue skies. It's a rare one in M'sia

Anonymous said...

The skies are so blue! I love blue skies. It's a rare one in M'sia

Ayie said...

The tress have their own beauty seen against the bright blue sky. It's still indeed a fruitful trip for you capturing some other beauty upon the birds' absence.