Sunday, September 3, 2017

Outside Wonderland

So a mushroom popped down a large and straight rabbit hole.

It found itself being pulled down immediately by an extremely strong force of gravity.

(Don't mention this gravitational force to Alice, she even confused by the calculation of volume; but somehow she vaguely remembered something called pi. Or is it pie?)

No time for jokes between head and feet. And before I can finish typing, all in a sudden, thump!

A big bang on the hard floor!

We thus have very flattened mushrooms outside Wonderland.


Emma Springfield said...

That was quite a bump. They are flat indeed.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Maybe this mushroom fell down the same rabbit hole that Alice did.

Bob Bushell said...

Poor Alice, flattened by a mushroom!

Marit said...

They are really flat!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I can not imagine being flattened by a mushroom. Pretty photo.

Have a happy day and weekend!

carol l mckenna said...

Fun post and creative photo shot of the mushrooms ~ ^_^

(A Shutterbug Explores)

Helma said...

The picture of these little mushrooms is fantastic.
It's a pity that by a large canal on the floor there are now flat mushrooms!
No, I do not say anything to Alice :-)

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Lovely little mushrooms!

ruthinian said...

Hi, I'm back. Been awhile. Miss your mushroom photos.

matti niilola said...

Flattened indeed.

ruma said...


Brilliant works.
Thank you for your visiting always.

I wish You all the best.
Greeting and hug.

From Japan, ruma ❃

Gemma Ann said...

hi rainfield, long time no see :). but your blog has never been far away from my thoughts. In fact I sometimes 'curi masuk' to see how the mushrooms have developed. Maybe a new discovery, also love the way you write.
keep it up.

Giga said...

Mushrooms so growing fall off. This happens unfortunately. Regards.

Love Affair with Food said...

Amazing photo and brilliant words!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Alice and I don't understand gravity. Only magic. We are happy with that.

Malar said...

This is funny post! ;) The mushrooms photos are amazing!

baili said...

Hope all is well with dear alice .
These beautiful mushrooms looks like two tiny moons spreading the message of enlightenment