"Was I the man who dreamed he was a butterfly, or am I a butterfly that is now dreaming that it is Zhuangzi?" Though tiny, a butterfly seemed to disturb Zhuangzi during the fourth century BC, but it has continued to twist our mind until now.
Two lovers emerged as butterflies from a grave in the Butterfly Lovers, a Chinese equivalent of Romeo and Juliet, and these butterflies further inspired the creation of The Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto.

East and West then meet when people starts to talk about butterflies.
The "butterfly effect" is felt, although a butterfly is simply a few black lines and black dots in Picasso's drawing.
The "butterfly effect" is felt, although a butterfly is simply a few black lines and black dots in Picasso's drawing.
And a butterfly was no more a butterfly when Madame Butterfly was named.

What is in a bird's mind when it meets a butterfly? That certainly has nothing to do with philosophy or literature; that must be not so complicated.
i do like the concept of 'the butterfly effect' - that the slightest action here can cause a reaction somewhere all around the world. :)
I would love to hear the Butterfly Concerto. I don't know that one.
Beautiful capture of butterfly! Like the bird shot too!
With every breath, every sound--I believe like TexWisGirl, that all the Universe is somehow, in some way affected.
Was Butterfly not at a certain time called Flutterby?
I've played violin 70 years--began age six--and never heard of Butterfly Concerto. But I just listened to it on You-Tube. Pleasant to listen, difficult to put together, sounds kinda French, Debussy, or Cesar Franck, to me on first hearing.
So, THANK YOU Sir on several levels. I KNEW time was running out on my 'learning something' today--and then YOU showed up--grin!
Pictures outstanding!
the first picture speaks so much about the magical effects of a butterfly. would love to be in a butterfly concerto, wonder how it would be like, i am dreaming already :)
I think the smart bird thinks of the butterfly as the 'Golden Goose'. After all, a productive butterfly can produce lots of caterpillars.
It's a butterfly day.
If butter can fly would margarine submerge?
Your caterpillar Zhuangzi transformed while in the cocoon to Liang Shan Bo Yu Zhu Ying Tai and into a musical butterfly but a butterfly no more when 'named'. Great transformation process.
The birdie was thinking 'why do they say birds and the bees' why not 'birds and the butterflies'? chirp chirp chirp!
I will just dream about standing in the field of butterflies, and listen to the concerto, and watching the butterfly effect..
Nice photos.
You raise some very interesting questions and make some profound statements.
I heard the story of the Butterfly Lovers when I was in China, and also heard the Violin Concerto. Both are beautiful.
I like the shot of the butterfly on the yellow flower.
haha, i bet when the bird sees the butterfly he/she thinks: DINNER!
or lunch...
A bird thinks, yesterday you were a caterpillar and today, you are a butterfly. Even though your shape changed, are you the same?
nice job...
Like TexWisGirl, I also love the concept of the Butterfly effect. And I would love to dream I was a butterfly. Your photos are wonderful and I love the cute capture of the bird peeking around the leaves. Have a great day, Rainfield!
My big girl is thousands of miles in Harbin, I miss her very much.
Butterflies have inspired so many people to create many different kinds of art and philosophy. I'm glad we don't look at butterflies like birds look at them.
for me butterfly is a thief ... It steals all the colors of the flower !
When I was a kid I thought my mom's make up eye shadow came from butterfly's wing as when you touch her wings the color can be seen on the fingers !
Do the bird thinks like me? at the moment I am not enjoying the return of cabbage white butterfly concert in our garden...hahaha...nice drama.
When I see a butterfly, I feel alive and happy. :)
What an intriguing story- enjoyed your flutterby's.
Wonderful photos!
It seems to me that butterflies manage to evoke a sense of beauty and joy in all of us, no matter where in the world we are from, what era gave birth to us, what troubles may preoccupy our minds. Your pictures just add to that joy. Many thanks.
Great post full of fascinating ideas and great pictures :)
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