Critters first learn from their parents, then from friends and also through experiences. This was exactly what the ants were doing, in a secret military academy at Cerok Tokun.

There is a communication game, Chinese whisperers: The first player whispers a message to the next player. Each player successively whispers what have been heard to the next. We then laugh at the seriously distorted message in the end.

The ants learn by leaps and bounds, and by walking the talk. By the way, I am not as good to understand whether they do laugh or not. They always keep secrets away from me, but they will be as intelligent as us, in times to come.
The new ruling force may not arrive from alien planet. They are in our proximity.

Anyhow, here is the key point, the benefit of hiking: to have me known to them, as a very close friend, for my safer future.
Need my favor on this? Send me your list of names, and I shall speak to them.
Need my favor on this? Send me your list of names, and I shall speak to them.
great shots. i like your view of the future 'rulers'. :)
Oh wow..great shots of the fighting ants.
By the way, your ants remind me to watch out for them since I happened to stand in an ants' hole this afternoon. Your fault!
critters are just like human in every way.
i m always amazed by ants..
You took a couple of really good pictures of the ants discussing strategy for their next task.
Remember to mention me to our new ant overlords. They're a very handsome and intelligent group.
I'm glad you convinced the ants that you are a friend. Just remember all your blogging friends when they take over.
By the way, your macros of the ants in training are superb.
You know we did that in class once when I was in elementary school..and the message was quite distorted (lol). I can only guess why?
I think these Chinese whisperers in our midst are pretty impressive!
no doubt ants unintentionally posed for your camera but you were not suppose to leak there training on the web... the spiders are your best chums should i tell this to the ants?
Your close ups are getting better. The second one is so clear.
If only I could hear.
Story become different at the end of the line isn't it. The longer the army line is, it becomes more different from the source.
Great pictures Rain!! I'd be very afraid of these very intellegent creatures!! Ha!
Wow..Wonderful macro photos!
Ants "speak" in code to each other with their antennaes and legs. You will need a translator to communicate with them.
Careless whisper..too loud to be over heard by the photographer. Great antz pixz
i remember my elementary teacher always telling us that ants are best communicators, united they are strong! love your shots, and yes, whisper my name to them too, for my safer future :)
Wow, awesome shots, Rainfield. I guess it is good that you made friends with the ants, now they will know you when you go hiking safely by the next time.
I don't think it would hurt for you to put in a good word for me with your aunt buddies...not that I'm out hiking all that much! I suppose it could be messaged by ant telegraph all over the world so I will be treated kindly by these critters.
You photograph them so well!
Ant 1: psst! tthat funny man with the big long black thing again is aiming at us again.
Ant 2: lets recruits all our brothers and pinch him all over so he doesn't come and disturb us again.
I'd like to apply for admission at that secret academy then...
please whisper a kind word for me too :)
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