I do believe there are secrets being hidden within the wheel, though I cannot prove anything. The secrets are being spun within the wheel, and will be released one by one, to the outside world, though I do not know what they are.
I try to make the wheel looks brighter and clearer, but the fortune is still an unknown. Even the rainfall cannot help to enlighten me, not to mention the minute droplets.
But road to the wheel is like walking on a hanging bridge. In order to discover the fate at the far end, the initial unknown on the journey must first be cleared, though it looks charming.
To wander between life and death and the cycle of transmigration, I do believe all happen within the wheel, though I cannot have an answer.
Very unique looking wheel! Love your pictures of this amazing thing!
These are wonderful pictures. I hope the secrets of the wheel are revealed to you.
This is a type of fern isn't? Unique looking with its end curled up like wheel.
If you have all the answers. i will call you si-fu :)
Good-night, Mr Si-fu :
Beautiful shots!
BTW these pictures remind me the Golden_spiral of mathematics, that derived from the amazing ‘numbers of nature’ – The Fibonacci Numbers.
really elegant...
have a nice weekend...:o)
I really like the 2nd pic!!
I love this shot! great capture =)
happy weekend rainfield!
Great capture-The Wheel of Fortune?
amazing photograph. that fern is just about to say "hello" to the day. the dew/drizzle added drama to that picture!
The wheels are slowly unfurling to reveal their secrets, but you must be patient.
Thank you for visiting & commenting on my blog. I have forgotten about the fish bone diagram. You must be a good problem solver?
wow... i did the shots like these when i was in new zealand... just wish i got my dslr at that time ><
Icy BC: When the wheel starts to unroll, it will be more unique later.
George: I'll sit there waiting for the answer.
Mei Teng: I do not is it a Wood Fern or other species?
Bengbeng: Ho ho ho ho ....
Kirigalpoththa: I'll find out more after my work. You comment sounds interesting.
clo: Same to you too. Thanks for your drop by.
sylviaspy: Thanks for your valuable feedback. I really appreciate it.
Ayie: Happy weekend to you too.
Mike: Yes, the wheel of fortune which determine the cycle of transmigration.
Tes: The fern and me are saying hello to you, my friend.
AVCr8teur: Cannot help, have to use fish bone diagram in my daily work.
WoW...fantastic shots!
the wheel is THE answer. it is the alpha and the omega, both. you are right - they all happen within the wheel. magnificent thought, rainfield.
you always share your photos with deep thoughts... i love that! and hey, are those photos meant to welcome me back? lol! can i dream on? hehehe! 'love them head over wheels!!! ;)
fufu: You were so lucky to own a camera during school time. I never dreamed for that at that time.
flyingstars: There are sometimes we are able to do it. Thank you.
cherie: I like your "alpha and omega". It helps to explain.
cher: Why not? lol.
I like your story so much. This is a story behind the story.
These are some of your best photos.
Don't know what type of fern it is but the fiddle heads are always fascinating to look at.
I enjoyed the pictures as well as the reflection.
We call that fern wheel a Koro or the Maori people do.
i do hope the secrets of the universe you seek will be revealed to you as you journey on. Seek and ye shall find!
A very interesting plant. The wheel looks like it is made up of many smaller wheels. When I first saw it the plant reminded me of a seahorse.
wheel indeed! amazing photo rainfield, the fern is very unique. and i love how you compare it to the wheel of life.
I have passed along the Six Hidden Treasures Challenge to you. You will find the details in my next post, Off The Trail. You don't have to do the challenge if you don't want to. I named you for the challenge to honor you as a friend.
CH: It is a fact that our life is full of stories.
WiseAcre: I almost fell from my chair when I was reading your comment. It is not the usual you. Hahaha, thank you very much.
salitype: It is so nice to receive a positive feedback.
Glennis: The Universe is so vast that I may not able to discover much of the secrets.
Ratty: Thank you. We do make friend in the blogosphere. What a wonder!!
betchai: Hope my next post will be as good as this one. Thanks.
You do have the knack for discovering the most amazing fauna and flora Rain. =D
That fern looks quite beautiful and surreal.. Great captures!
youre naturally talented photographer..
keep up the good work
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