Monday, September 28, 2009
Greeting the Morning
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Joy of a Simple Life
Not only the fashion model who walks on catwalk, this flower is also posing a side view.
And what a crazy world, it is not easy to let go a beauty.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Anyhow, there are still many reasons for us to get cheer up.
Happy working!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Story continues
This slender rice bug, or Leptocorisa chinensis, has somehow mistakenly thought it is hiding right in the middle of the path to the future, but I rather prefer it is standing at the end of the past.
According to Kathleen Phillips, "Americans eat about 20.5 pounds of rice a year, while globally people annually eat about 126 pounds each. Yet a big bite is also taken by insects in the field every year". Both the adults and nymphs of rice bugs feed on endosperm of rice grains at the milking stage.
While cultural measures and biological control agents are used to control the rice bug population, the meadow grasshoppers, spiders and dragonflies prey on them.
And the flow of food chain continues. The same to the story.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Short Tailed Macaque
I have seen and pictured long tailed macaques for many times, and Dusky Langur for once, but I am very sure there must be more species out there. Since then, searching for them has become one of my agenda at Cerok Tokun.
long tailed macaqueDusky Langur
That was why I felt so excited when spotted this short tailed macaque wandering at far end of the car park. I moved quickly, the monkey moved even faster and returned to the top of the tree. My persistence insisted me not to give up but to start searching everywhere above my head.
Out of sudden, the animal re-appeared from the lush green, and dashed towards me. This had my adrenaline going immediately; wasted no time, I ran as fast as Usain Bolt. In the split second when I turned on my heel, the macro view of that fierce look occupied my enlarged eye balls completely.
But I came back. Yes, I came back, not alone, but with my car. I was guaranteed safe by staying inside the car. The animal was still there but appeared very tame this time. Tame? Looking at how it turned its head away, I rather thought this arrogant animal treated me as a useless coward.
I had these pictures through my windscreen. I was sort of inside a cage, and the monkey in the wild.
I managed to capture the short tail of this macaque before it moved away.
Will this happening be spread among the macaques? If those monkeys keep laughing and hitting their chests, then I shall know the answer.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Mutliple Wheels
This reminds me on a story from the ancient China.
There was a wise old man called Jiang Ziya who lived in the feudal estate of King Wen of Zhou. He strategically used a straight hook that was without any bait in his fishing. In addition, the hook was placed three feet above the water.
His odd behaviour had finally pulled the attention of King Wen in one day. The King had discovered that this white-haired fisherman was actually an astute political thinker and military strategist. Of course, the story ended with Jiang Ziya being successful become the Prime Minister of King Wen.
Coming back to my Cerok Tokun, I am sure You will then agree with me the multiple wheels must be very powerful, in whatever way.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Grasshopper and the Story
I spotted my grasshopper while I was moving around the wheel. It looked so tidy and gave me the opportunity to concur with what I have read.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Mushrooms Hiked at Cerok Tokun
Have you ever seen such a gorgeous scene. I bet you don't have such an experience since you always love your warm blanket so much.
I have my reason to feel proud. I have and am going to explore more and more wonders, now and then.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Is it Autumn Now?
It was not cold in the morning, yet somehow, heavy fogs were seen skirting around in front of me. The movement was swift and quiet. It must be good to immerse myself in these dense fogs, just like what Cerok Tokun was doing.
Other than seeing a few small birds flying around, I was the sole passer-by right now.
Some distance away, Mengkuang Dam had formed some familiar scenic views to my old friends.
Zoom in and zoom out views framed my perspective differently. Some people like to zoom in to focus on a small area, but others prefer to have a full-size view. Somehow even a slight shift in focus, the image or story in my mind theatre will then be unreal.
Standing at a different corner looking at a different angle, the orange and yellow leaves had taken me to the autumn. That spider that stayed in the middle was witnessing the changes, I was too far away to listen to his story.
I try my best to show you all the beauties that I have seen, simply because you are my best friends. Have a good day.
Before I end this post, there is an extra. I have received what is called the Six Hidden Treasures Challenge from Ratty at Everyday Adventure. Here are the rules of the challenge.
2. Find your favorite six hidden posts in the archives and add the links under the picture
3. Choose one other blogger and send the challenge to them,

1. Jungle trekking in Penang National Park
I want to pass this challenge on to everyone of you, to all my friends, if you like the idea.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Hidden One
There was a time I asked myself in the other way: Where should I enter in order to exit from here. As usual, I always ended up asking the wrong guy. The mystery was well kept for a long time, until today I saw a family coming out from this jungle path.
I overheard how much they enjoyed the scenery that was unknown to many people. I was insulted and hurt badly!! How could I be one of the majority. My ego told me to wait and sneak in during the descending trip, after they have gone.
No. I was totally wrong. A few more steps had then disclosed my ignorance. I found a hidden pavilion inside the jungle. Yes. They were right on the scenery that was now solely belonged to me.
How nice is it? Just let me share with you in my next post.
By the way, at the time I came out from the jungle, I was Indiana Jones who was now returning from an adventure; and the main point is, I was rewarded with many peculiar looks from many of the majority.
I was no more one of them.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tiring Hike
The jungle trail was then so muddy and slippery. I skidded along, I pulled the vines, I got help from little plants, and I held on to the rocks. My backpack rubbed against the mud, my camera swung towards the mud, and my trouser kissed the mud. I was ugly muddy.
I am showing the picture on a scorpion, hopefully it can explain how muddy and slippery the jungle trail was.
The picture may tell this part of story, but it was absence when I heard a wild boar murmuring nearby me. I could only judge and keep my safe distance for having no experience to deal with this animal. It was certainly a relief after some "hide-and-no seek" games I managed to leave the boar behind. I told myself not to run, I have only myself to be outrun. The wild boar that armed with sharp tusks might be provoked and attacked the slower me. Sitting down in front of my computer I can now search and talk anything without any worry, and for the wild boar, breeding occurs throughout the year in the tropics, but births peak around rainy seasons. I wonder what did the animal talk at that time.
I spotted this funny thing later. It might be the initial build of a termite's nest. But my point is, it may help to show you the wetness which had my day full of events.
Full of events? It is my embarrassment to tell I had lost my way in the jungle during the crawling, skidding and "hide-and-no seek" moments. Luckily I managed to find my way when I started to walk upright again.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
A Spider behind the Fern
I moved to the opposite side so to witness the truth: a spider was building its home, as well as its fortune. It was now much depending on how I positioned myself in order to appreciate the discovery, but is it an involution or an evolution?
On my side, the spider danced with my flash. To the spider, I was actually an invader. In fact, it was very much annoyed by my disturbance. It was looking at me. It was talking to me.
Anyhow, it had the wheel by itself. The wheel might spin again. What will the next be? The story is still kept hidden inside the wheel.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Wheel
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Mushroom, Santa Claus and Dog
At the end of a hard and harsh day, I am now seeing the mushroom as a dog sticking out its tongue for some quick and shallow breaths, for the sole reason that he needs to cool off the entire body. I am certainly carried away by this.