I am still thinking those monkeys in my last post must have hidden something from me, otherwise the leader must not get aggressive and start challenging me. Somehow, I failed to discover the truth, I moved away.
I moved away, but I found an angel of the wild hearts.
Yes, the mother monkey was my angel, not because she treated me differently, but it was the feeling of motherhood that had me saying so.
I must cuncur if anyone of you consider her as your sister. Why not, for an angle?
This definitely has a story!
Nice post :)
Nice Blog!!!! Please visit mine its:
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Hey can you please visit my blog again i have tagged you for an award....
Finally I can hike again after 2 weeks of rainy day. The monkeys you have mentioned at the second stop have disappeared.
Cute monkeys...great shots...Reminds me a goat I met once...
Great post!
In the independence day of India, I wish you all the very best!
Monkeys :)
Beautiful pictures of mother and child..They look so loving!
I feel so lucky to be a mom. No matter what I may achieve, raising my three kids will always be my greatest life events.
Aww! Cute monkeys. The mother is more gentle but I suppose they can become fierce protecting their young.
Love your photos!
Aww.. cute snaps! Monkey moms are very caring towards their young.. and usually they're protected by other monkeys in the pack. Just like elephants. We've lots to learn from them. ^__^
"angel of the wild hearts" - very beautiful and so heartwarming description Rainfield, so are your pictures.
the pictures speak of amazing love between a mother and a child.
Great pictures of the mother taking care of her little one. I think she is an angel.
This must be the Crab-eating Macaque aka. Long-tailed Macaque, right? If so, I have seen it in wild.
kirigalpoththa: This is definitely a story, just like when we look at our mother, they take care of us.
SuE: Thank you for your visit and award. A hundred thanks.
CH: You would like to play hide-and-seek with you. lol.
Sharodindu: Thanks for coming back. You have met your goat for a period of 1 week, how is it now?
Benghui: monkey? if they can help you on the clearing up of leaves and branches, how nice it is!!
Icy BC: The pictures on love forever look good, it is nothing to do with skill.
Heather Dugan: Then to be a father, there are very less stories to be talked about. lol.
Ginnymo: Be it monkeys or human, once their kids are bullied, the mother for sure will react immediately. That's why we feel so secure with our mother around.
Harumi: My mind theater changed immediately to the scene on elephant, I saw mother elephant chasing after me, I ran very fast, I dropped my camera....
betchai: I watched the "Wild Hearts" of Animal Planet, I was inspired and added in "angel" for this monther monkey.
George: She must be an angel, so is our mother.
Gallicissa: Yes, they are Crab-eating Macaque or long-tailed Macaque. If we can spend time to sit down observing them, there must be a lot of interesting discoveries.
This mother monkey looks as gentle as the one in your other post looked aggressive. This is the same look that all mothers seem to have when they are taking care of their young ones. Two great posts that show the very strong personalities of monkeys.
rainfield this is just too beautiful!
beautiful post rainfield... so much love in the pictures and in your story..thanks rain for this one :)
those are great shots!
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