That is no reason not to cheer after a long hike, and I would like you to join me. Just sit down, relax yourself, get some fresh air, and you can have my cups. They are not big, but good enough to ease the craving for drink, "whereby nature is a vessel to which mortals drinks for inspiration- Salitype".
Anyhow, there are still many reasons for us to get cheer up.
Happy working!!
Rainfield, this discovery is so awesome!
rainfield, you just made my day!!! those mushy looks indeed like a pair of ears...
ears that listens but cannot tell, though they cannot speak but they do sure display a great story to begin your day...
have a lovely day!
Bengbeng: There are abundant of them out there at Cerok Tokun. They are in different shapes and ID.
Salitype: Betchai, is it you that I am talking to? Sorry to ask and sorry again if I get the wrong answer. .. .
I do enjoy all the stories that are derived from here.
Have a good day.
Beautiful captures. You have a good eye for nature.
These are wonderful little mushrooms. I took my girls on a mushroom hunt last week. We found dozens of different kinds, including a couple of large 'cup mushrooms' similar to these, only white instead.
Huh, nice mushrooms.. But what would anti dengue fever squad got to say about these mushroom collecting water!
Good pair of orange cups, for you and you dearest - Cheers!
The mushrooms look like ears, indeed, and your enjoyment is the positive energy that I'm taking in.
cheers to you, Rain!~~~i'm looking forward to a post with snakes! sssssSSSSSS.....
Prost! rainfield! :) ( it means cheers) you got a lovely pair of cute mushrooms there friend... :)
have a wonderful day!
by the way rain, you made me laugh with your last comment in my site ;) thanks again my friend.
Rainfield, those orange coloured mushrooms are beautiful and they do look like ears. Do you tell them your secrets so that they can store it for you? Lastly thank you very much for your kind words and well wishes on my blotanical nomination. I appreciate it very much. Mine is only a wild shot (ikan bilis) against all the other great blogs there.
Wonderful pictures of the mushrooms and they really do look like ears. But I'm not sure I like the talk of husband's ears growing on dead wood!
cup mushrooms you said? This is my first time seeing 'em =) and yes it looks like ears
I thought they looked like ears too. You got great shots of these little cups. I wonder what they hear when we walk through the woods.
Wonde4rful discovery!
Thought they are laughing out loud :)
I love to see fungi, they often add some interesting colours to the scene. However I'm no good at recognising the different types :-(
Wow.. their colors and shapes don't even resemble ordinary mushrooms. And they look a lot like our clay lamps. Great discovery Rain!
PS: You seem to be fond of wise quotes.. =D
Gallicissa: I am a little slow during the trekking, that's why I see something that people do not see.
Mom: I visited your blog, I saw your girls and the big size white mushroom. Thanks for your visit.
Bangchik and Kakdah: Maybe they will place some mosquito larvae inside and summon those mushrooms. lol.
Tabib: Cheers.
Icy BC: Hope this positive energy do help you in whatever way.
cherie: I dare not to comment in your last post. I am a Man as well, but this man does not like ssssSSSSSSS.
maricar: prost!! Have a nice day. It is great to know both my post and comment make you laugh. I hope cherie does laugh as well.
Autumn Belle: Your achievement makes me feeling so proud. I'll tell this to those mushrooms, this is not a secret. Cheers.
George: Sorry!! You may not be the one with "the husband's ears growing on dead wood".
Ayie: Yes, they are cup mushrooms, if they grow further, they will look like the world cup (be it for soccer, football, or.....)
Ratty: They will keep all those saying and, wait for one day, we will see them in the media. lol.
Kirigalpoththa: I'll listen carefully to confirm their laughter in my next trip. I'll tell later.
John: Me too. It make growing more and more white hairs in order to ID them.
Harumi: You better be careful on what to say, I may like to quote you later. lol.
Haha...cute little cups that look like ears?
What strange little mushrooms. They do resemble ears..Ha! Ears on a dead log???? Ha! Ha! You are funny Rain!!
What a wonderful find! I am "cheered!"
I can't name those but they are similar to 'eyelash cups' I find. Same color but the eyelashes on the ones you found are not as large and white instead of dark.
Cool find. Now is a good time to find cup, slime and some other odd shrooms. (at least here in NNY - Ratty should get off the path and look at rotting wood where he is too)
Wow, they look like some ears and your shots are just awesome...
Mei Teng: Haha, I wonder why your comment ended with a question mark.
Ginnymo: Not only me, many more who are funny have inspired me.
Heather Dugan: It is glad to know; me too.
WiseAcre: It is a good challenge from you. There must be more species out there.
Pacey: Is it just because I am awesome as well??? lol.
Oh wow, Rainy, those are cute! Sharp colors -very nice. Yeah, i have to agree, they look like ears...were they eavesdropping?! teehee
very true, there is no reason not to cheer after a long hike, especially having captured these interesting and amazing photos.
Cheers. Such sweet little cup mushrooms, only a small drop of liquid but nice.
How, is that a mushroom rainfield?
This is the first time I saw this type. Thanks for sharing!
Tes: I always hike silently, they are not able to eavesdrop anything. Heeheehee..
betchai: very true, there is no reason not to cheer after a long hike, especially having captured these interesting and amazing photos.
Glennis: Only a small drop of liquid but enough to cheer you up for the whole day. How to call this liquid?
VanillaSeven: Of course, these mushrooms are not fake but really real.
cheers and happy weekend, rainfield! lovely ears, errr, cups!
i've never seen anything like that. what a fabulous discovery.
thanks for visiting.
They DO look like ears...loved your humor in this one!!
I can't believe how much these little mushrooms look like ears and well captured with photos as well.
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