Saturday, July 20, 2013


I accidentally found that my magic wand had fooled me. It reserved half of its power.

I was by then taking pictures of a caterpillar. Trial makes perfect; back and front light, and whatsoever techniques I have read, I put into practice. 

My magic wand started functioning when a band of rainbow appeared on the camera screen.

It changed the transparency of the caterpillar, like how I alter the transparency of a solid fill in Microsoft Office.

That was interesting, I waited more. I could be Merlin or David Copperfield in the next second. 

But it stopped, absurdly.

The caterpillar stayed half-disappeared. My left half was Rainfield, another half  David Copperfield.


Icy BC said...

Haha, you made me laugh! Rainfield the David Copperfield of this century with magical photos!

TexWisGirl said...

you are a magician - with photo AND with your words. :)

eileeninmd said...

Rainfield, you do perform magic. I love the lighting on these shots and the caterpillar. Great post, have a happy weekend!

Magia da Inês said...


As lagartas são sempre mágicas porque se transformam em borboletas, uma das mais lindas criaturas da natureza.

Bom fim de semana!°°。❤
❤⊱ Beijinhos°°。°✿

Unknown said...

...said Alice to the Hookah-Smoking Caterpillar...

Emma Springfield said...

I believe this might be Absolom, Alice's friend caterpillar in Wonderland. He has been known to do some peculiar things. He must have known that your camera has magical powers.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the Spirit had its way ~ very creative editing of photo of nature's gem ~ Happy Weekend ^_^

Anonymous said...

You do seem to coax magical images from your camera lens.

wenn said...

that's interesting!

de engineur said...

I suppose those are lens flares thatve turned into magical rainbow in your shot.
I love the sight of caterpillars and envy you for finding one.

Laura. M said...

Keep practicing you has been very good :))
Good Sunday
a hug.

betchai said...

very very magical, Rainfield Copperfield :)

Debbie said...

rainfield sounds pretty good with copperfield!!

we saw him once live. he was amazing!!

Sharkbytes said...

What in interesting caterpillar you chose on which to work your magic. Looks like a wad of thread. They'll get you for revealing how those tricks are done. hahahaha

Cheryl said...

Oh, this was fun!

Giga said...

Oddaj swoją czarodziejską różdżkę do naprawy :)
Give your magic wand to repair :)

Rick (Ratty) said...

You have become a great magician. One day you will turn the caterpillar into a butterfly.

Nortehanon said...

Nice one! I thought you did a double exposure here. But it was your magic wand working ;-)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your writing and camera work are magic 100 percent of the time.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hold on to that magic wand!

Malar said...

The real magic! you're really funny! hahahaha!

George said...

You are a marvelous magician. David Copperfield should be worried.

Arti said...

Your words are magical and your photos are hallucinating too!!! I love both :)

RNSANE said...

I wonder, my friend, just what you are munching on out there in the jungle!!!

Betty Manousos said...

you're a wonderful magician, rainfield!

(love that rainfield word)