Friday, June 29, 2012

Bitten by Red Ants

While spending much effort on a soaring eagle, I landed on one fire ant nest. But I told myself this is the best eagle picture I have ever captured.

"Human always stomp their feet when they are happy." A zebra dove coo-cooed a comment. 

"Oh no, there is too much insanity in the dance." A black-naped Oriole exclaimed.

Whatever it is, me and the birds were mutually entertained.

As what we can find in Your Sunday Best.


TexWisGirl said...

ha ha! glad you could entertain the birds with your pain. :)

Diane AZ said...

Red ants...ouch...but you got the soaring eagle, zebra dove and black-naped oriole and a very amusing story!

Reena said...

I think we provide them much entertainment!

steveroni said...

Red Ants...NO good, especially if you are sitting on their mounded nest...or standing on it...or even close.

But a "professional" blogger has nothing to do but trudge ahead with the task at hand.

Nice shots, and commentary, as usual, Man. Thanks!

Icy BC said...

I am with the black-naped Oriole about "too much insanity in the dance"! Not just yours, as I don't see you dance, but in general.

Fantastic capture of the eagle!

eileeninmd said...

Rainfield, I am sure the birds were amused with you doing the fire ant dance. I love your birds and the photos. Great captures.

George said...

I'm amazed at the wonderful pictures you got while stomping your feet after landing in the fire ant nest. I guess one reason you get such great pictures is that you entertain the critters as well as talk with them.

AVCr8teur said...

Were you stomping because you were happy or because the ants were biting? I think the birds saw a good dancing show.

Sharkbytes said...

I don't think I could tolerate fire ants. I live in the north for many reasons. But it is a nice eagle picture.

Unknown said...

Great eagle photo!
Hope that photo and the bird entertainment outweighed
the bites from the fire ants!

Giga said...

Mam nadzieję, że bardzo nie cierpiałeś po ukąszeniu mrówek. Chyba nie, bo zrobiłeś wspaniale zdjęcie orła.Pozdrawiam.
I hope that does not really suffered ant bites. Probably not, because I've done a great picture of an eagle. Yours.

Cloudy said...

Wunderbare Aufnahmen von tollen Modellen...


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

commentary of my niece was omitted. I have posted another post to explain the story. Yes, I am very proud of my nieces.

Amy Burzese said...

Fire ants are awful. Sorry you got into them, but glad you got the eagle! Beautiful.

Minoru said...

Beautiful eagle photo! I enjoyed your bird photos very much.

Betty Manousos said...

love, love your photos and your cammentary!

happy weekend!


Cherry said...

you never fail to entertain... it's worth the ant bites. ;)

Lrong Lim said...

Black nape oriole... definitely one of my favorite birds...

Nancy said...

The things we do for photography! Gorgeous eagle!

Zenserly said...

indeed such beautiful wings shots! worth the bites hehe, :D

Grass said...

You were entertained as well as entertaining....:-)

Mandy said...

Those are fabulous photos indeed! I love the eagle one and your witty commentary. Having encountered red ants before, I feel your pain.

Linda said...

I am sure the birds think we are all crazy anyway! Sorry about the ants, but glad you got the photos! Nice ones!

Bengts fotoblogg said...

Great shots, beautiful eagle.

Anonymous said...

Red ants bite? Not good, but imagine you dance was quite entertaining :-)

Wishing you a great weekend..

Tamar SB said...

That souring eagle is amazing!

carol l mckenna said...

Amazing shot of the eagle and other photos also! ~ Hope you are okay ~ thanks,^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

kumittyi said...

I like your photo of a soaring eagle very much. An eagle that is spreading its big wings is reaaly powerful, and have lots of punch.
Your ability of comunicate with nature or animal life is very fantastic,I think.
I enjoyed your photoes and words a lot.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Is the beautiful soaring eagle shot worth the pain? Your shots are exceptionally entertaining both in photo and words.

Arti said...

I hope the red ants did not bite you! They have a nasty bite. The shot of the eagle though is very good indeed. Wish you a happy week ahead:)

Stewart M said...

Great pictures (how are the ant bites doing?)

Your header picture is great.

Stewart M - Australia

Anonymous said...

I'll trade ant bite for a great shot, especially the first pic. Love the sight of the eagle soaring like that. Power and confidence.

Cheryl said...

Yikes-red ants are no fun at all! Once I sat on a fire ant nest, oh my goodness it was awful! Love the eagle photo.

Malar said...

the bird should have so much fun in your accompany! hahahhaa....

Rick (Ratty) said...

Sometimes it is worth getting bitten for that good picture. I've been bitten many times now for good pictures.

Debbie said...

haha...i always wonder, what they are thinking!! we do look a lil silly!!

nice flight shot!!

Barbara said...

I have never thought of a red ant sting as entertaining! But that is a wonderful photo!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh youch! If those are the same fire ants we have in the American South, I wouldn't have been able to be so happy~ Lovely essay and pictures as always.

betchai said...

oh, what a beautiful eagle in flight picture Rainfield, sorry about the ants, hope you didn't get a lot of any bites.

Harshi said...

So the ants and the birds enjoyed your dancing! :D

Great bird shots!

EG CameraGirl said...

What a nasty surprise to sit on the ants!


Hello! What a wonderful photos! Well done!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Ouch ouch ouch! I learned about fire ants in Florida (the hard way).... glad your audience was amused ;>)

Anonymous said...

The eagle shot is beautiful! Having encountered fire ants before, I,m familiar with that dance!