Friday, April 13, 2012

Freddy Krueger, And Chocolate Ice Cream

There are flower fairies who live inside the flowers. That was a story told by a little girl. 

There are zombies wandering around in the forests. An old man told me. It was Freddy Krueger that was spotted this time. 

It seems that we talk no and see no fairy tales, but adventure more like a thriller seeker when we grow older; one thrill, or one challenge, after another. 

Taking chocolate ice cream may be the only habit that have survived through.

So much so a zombie was very influenced, it excitedly asked for a cone of ice cream, and that must be of chocolate flavor.

It stretches its hand, seven twenty four.

The zombie must be hysterical


Cherry said...

when i saw your update,i rushed here while asking myself, did rainfield really post an icecream photo? LOL!

the last photo look like a snake with its mouth open wide waiting for the icecream.

TexWisGirl said...

you are too funny. chocolate ice cream for a lifetime of imagination.

betchai said...

i want chocolate ice cream, meantime, let me enjoy your photos and laugh with your wits :)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Too much! I'd love to take a walk your neck of the woods! Wish I had a dish of ice cream!! Oh, may not of mentioned what a terrific header you have..
have a wonderful weekend Rainfields~

Nancy said...

Love how you see objects in nature. :)

Icy BC said...

Well now, the second photo reminds me of zombie's hand, as coincidentally, I just watched one on TV last night...It was yucky, and tasteless movie!

Have a great weekend! (Say hi to "Alice and Laura"!)

Anonymous said...

I have a fear for jungle or wooded areas! Your photos showed some scary things.

(Thanks for visiting, and welcoming, and not bashing me for taking over!)

AVCr8teur said...

Many ice cream has been stolen by those wooden hands, but perhaps it is just a hungry fairy inside.

Brita said...

I like yours pictures and I like your storis.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

didn't your mama tell you, don't go to the jungle with chocolate icecream? all the spirits will come to you.

George said...

I didn't realize that zombies were a menace on your hikes, but you've given us proof that you have encountered at least two of them. I think I would be too frightened to get photos, but I'm glad you are braver and got these. Must you now take chocolate ice cream cones on your hikes?

Arti said...

Haha! Nice story and beautiful pics.
Have a wonderful sunday:)

Diane AZ said...

The second one reminds me of Kermit the Frog and he looks hungry for chocolate ice cream.

Adam said...

Me want ice cream now

Frieda said...

Such a funny post :-)
The second picture of the zombie hand is incredible...

kumittyi said...

How funny the shape of the trees of your pictures are!
The combinations of chocolate ice cream and zombie and trees surprised me greatly.
When I eat a chocolate one,that may always remind me of zombie:)

Maria said...

Cool shots!

Carletta said...

Very witty and creative post!
I love the bokeh behind that chocolate loving zombie's hand!

eileeninmd said...

Those hands do look creepy, I wouldn't share my chocolate ice cream with this zombie. Chocolate is my favorite flavor. I would much rather run into the flower fairies than Freddy Krueger while out walking in the woods. Happy Sunday, Rainfield!

Mandy said...

Ha! I like to think there are still zombies and fairies and magic out there.

Cheryl said...

Such an adorable story to go with your photos. You do make me laugh.

Unknown said...

It's great how ice cream flows through your posts.
And how your imagination flows in your photos.

Nancy said...

Thank you for sharing at YSB this week, my friend! :)

Anonymous said...

Flower fairies and zombies - what a contrast! That second shot does look like an outstretched hand. Creepy!

Betty Manousos said...

love me some chocolate ice-cream!

what a delightful post and i really liked your photos!
thanks for sharing:)

Joanne Olivieri said...

Rainfield, I am always in awe of your imagination and journey's. That does look so much like a zombie hand. Great photos and story but now you have me craving chocolate ice cream :)

Anonymous said...

nice blurred background on shot#2

Malay-Kadazan girl said...

That will be scary during night time. Would be natural Halloween decoration.


Hello! I agree with these comments .///very interesting post///

Debbie said...

this is my 2nd visit to your blog, both times you talk about chocolate ice cream ;)))

you have a wonderful imagination!

momto8 said...

fun post! but i am not afraid...I'll think of the fairies and enjoy the ice cream instead!

Reena said...

Funny post! Love that last shot as the imaginary hand.

Tes said...

It does look like a zombie's hand!!! Freaky!

Giga said...

Zombie i lody czekoladowe :-). Wolę lody, ale nie czekoladowe . Pozdrawiam.
Zombie and chocolate ice cream :-). I prefer ice cream, but not chocolate. Yours.

Zenserly said...

you have such an entertaining, lively way of presenting the beauty of nature....enjoyed this post..showing the Zombie to my kiddos later hehe...

Salitype said...

It looks like a hand reaching out for something !! Love it !!


Malar said...

I use to watch the freddy series last time! very scary...hahhaha

RNSANE said...

You are too funny...but I would prefer mango ice cream...which surely one could find in Malaysia.

I do believe, dear Rainfield, that the sun may be getting to you!

Sharkbytes said...

Your zombie is very hungry!