The prophecies of Merlin: “The tail of Scorpio shall produce lightning and Cancer quarrel with the Sun.”
Alright, I met a giant Asian Forest Scorpion which tried in vain to climb up a steep slope at Cerok Tokun. I shot with flash, the black creature received the light, but never returned with any lightning.But look at the tip of the tail, it was very much ready to accumulate whatever energy in order for that final shot on December 21, 2012?!
Well, this is only the story of a scorpion. I shall hike on that day. If the film “2012” is right, who know I may stand beside you in the end of the reshuffling of earth’s surface? And I shall say hi then!!
But before “the dust of the ancients shall be restored", Vangelia Gushterova predicted that“World War 3 will begin in November 2010. Starting as a regular war, it will progress to a nuclear and chemical war. The war will be finished only by October 2014.”