Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kingfisher Finally

After numerous failures on hunting for the kingfisher, I made it today!!

I have spotted various species of kingfishers at many places. They fly here and there at Cerok Tokun, "now you see it now you don't" at Perai River bank, and test my patience at the paddy fields near to where I stay.

So how could I let go the rare chance when it was so near to me this time. I discovered this White-throated Kingfisher while I was driving in the village. I pulled over immediately, rolled down the windows and it was virtually mine now.

After some successful shots, I tried to get down from my car, walked nearer, and the trick worked this time. So all those pictures taken earlier inside my car were then kept silently in my hard disk.

My luck was with me this time. This was another one that I had seen later of the day.

The story can never end yet. This one was found waiting for its chance on its prey beside the Perai River bank. This might imply the same to me as well. Anyway, both were happy finally.

By the way, this one belongs to a different species from White-throated Kingfisher.

At the time I made my move, atop of a tree, this kingfisher was telling me good-bye.

"When you come again, I shall fly away. You will get tired and disappoited, I shall have a lot of fun."


XoXo said...

And at last he had the guts to show up to you...Looks great with that colors. So, this is how kingfisher looks, am sorry am not that good in birds. Thanks for the info rain.

Willie a.k.a Reptoz said...


Kingfisher is a beautiful bird. We have seen many of them waiting near our ponds for fish. My father used to hate them because they ate a lot of our fish.

But now, I have not seen any kingfishers near our pond anymore. Probably they have migrated to other places. All the best to them.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

I remembered seeing my first kingfisher in Kinabatangan but no opportunity to photograph. Birds are hard to photograph unless you really have the opportune moment.

The Retired One said...

You were very lucky to get these wonderful shots of him!

Redzlan said...

Wow!.. two KING species!.
I have yet to see that Collared Kingfisher. Well done my friend!

Mike said...

The top one I can identify as a White Throated Kingfisher -common here too. Not sure about the other.

Birds are very difficult to photograph-I know through trial and error and even with 250mm zoom you need to get close.

Graet effort on your part.

AVCr8teur said...

That is a lovely bird and your patience paid off. Not only did you get one, you got many shots.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Weldone! Nice capture!

Heather Dugan Creative / Footsteps said...

Such a brilliant blue! Nice shots!

rainfield61 said...

Pacey: This is so far the most beautiful bird that I see in the wild. I have tried to capture them for a long time, my luck arrived noe.

Willie: Ha ha.. not a good experience on the bird, but a good story to tell.

Mei Teng/The Retired One: Yes, I have them when opportunity knocked on my door.

Tabib: I have checked but am not sure it is Collared Kingfisher. Thanks for your confirmation.

Mike: I have the same problem with my 250mm zoom lens too, but is too expensive to invest further.

AVCr8teur: I got many shots, and you have been shared these many.

Kirigalpoththa/Footsteps: It has been tempted to take pictures of birds for a long time. I can now pretend as a birder. LOL.

Cherry said...

lucky you! congratulations on capturing the kingfisher. you must be one happy hiKING now. ;)

Diane AZ said...

Fantastic captures of that beautiful bird! I'd never seen a kingfisher before and didn't know they were so colorful.

George said...

These are wonderful pictures of the kingfisher. The colors are so very vivid. Wonderful catches!

Salitype said...

whoa! what fantastic color!!! its gorgeous!

its should be named blue feathered king-fisher instead of white- throated one...because its feather is stunning!....just a thought!...lol

Cheryl said...

What wonderful photos you have taken. A very colorful bird. Your patience paid off.

rainfield61 said...

Cher: I am honoured. LOL.

Diane: It is not easy to capture them, they are very alert whenever I get nearer, and my camera requires me to be close to them.

George: I'll try to have more pictures on birds. I want to have more beautiful words from you all. LOL.

Salitype: If you are the "founder", you may have suggested this. Go the the wild, spot a new species, then it is yours. Can I say I am serious?

Cheryl: To be with birds and other living things, I need patience.

Joanne Olivieri said...

Oh my, he is superb. What a great capture rainfield, one of your best.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Such beautiful and colorful birds. Being able to catch a bird on camera is very satisfying. More than one can be even better. You caught some good ones.

Sharkbytes said...

Oh my! I love our kingfishers, but yours are unbelievable! I wonder if they are in the same genus or just share a common name. The bill is similar. I haven't been able to get even one lousy picture of ours.

rainfield61 said...

Poetic Shutterbug/Ratty: They are my hard
earned pictures, and they make me feeling so happy.

Sharkbytes: Ha ha!! I do believe there are many species out in the wild. Wait to see yours when the time is right.

Bengbeng said...

i appreciate how difficult it must have been to get a shot of the kingfisher. wonderful shots

Ayie said...

Wow so colorful! congratulations on your fulfilled quest!

Amila Salgado said...

You have to officially admit that you are a birder in a dedicated post now. Have seen both of them. The latter, Collard K in your country.