Saturday, April 27, 2013

I am an Ant

I am an ant, and honey is the perfect natural light. It is finger licking good which makes my mouth water more often than occasionally. 

While everything supposed to sound good, my digital antenna always smells its whereabouts so hard. Honey will not be available only at a click of the finger, especially under the rain forest  canopy. 

It requires right time, right weather, plenty of patience and luck. But practice makes perfect, I am now an ant. 

Yes, I am an ant, but from the face of a grasshopper, I am not what I seem.

When I turn away, it burst out laughing, "What a paranoid ant!"

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Sneeze, a Cue

Alice and Laura always cross my mind whenever I see a spider once I named a bee Alice and the girlfriend of a beetle Laura a year back. It is a cue, and a sneeze, as the Chinese believe there are people talking about you when you sneeze.

This is a mere myth, and I should understand this. 

But who knows not only Alice and Laura, there may actually be mushrooms, trees, mosses, ferns, monkeys, butterflies, dragonflies and so on that are talking about me. They are waiting for my return to the jungle.

"Why Sunday is so far away?" They murmur.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stories in Every Step

My day begins with stories painted in glowing colours and are full of light.

A red bug is storified, a brownish mushroom can pop up at anytime, a dusky leaf monkey wearing white eyeglasses may edit the plot out of sudden, 

while nothing seems to have happened, trees are actually watching, zooming in or passing by.

Everything looks the same, but is actually different one second later. The stories tell.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Holes of Stories


Everyday is new and exciting; we spend half of our waking hours producing  stories, and busy in other people's creation on the other half.

I found a beetle biting its stories into different sizes and shapes of holes in a leaf. We have imitated by burning pits and lands into a CD.

We pass on our stories. These are then facts, fictions, myths or legends, but those belong to a beetle are swallowed and owned only by itself; not recorded nor shared.

And we so keep bragging, as every day is new and exciting.