"No, I am not as old, but am developing my eccentricities to be as remarkable when getting older."
I never grow an enlarged jaw like soldier termites do, and never be as blind as them. When looking into the mirror, I am very much enjoy and comfortable to be Rainfield- a little gaga old man.
Goosebumps seemed to grow to the number of termites on my body. I watched my steps for not landing myself onto the nest, and for not being fastened to the ground, as had happened to Gulliver, in 1726; the termites were then the Lilliputians who were no taller than 6 inches.
I come and I go. I shall be influenced and changed unobtrusively and imperceptibly.
I was definitely not right to have told you that all bugs have left for the moon. Those who stayed in skyscrapers, I found out, seemed to not be concerned at all. The skyscrapers stood up so strong and brave to say No to mowers.
A spider, as tiny as a grain of rice, was seen showing off on a tightrope and without a balance pole. Is this the other reason that made it stay? And this type of so called show-off normally happens during young, and we get very hesitant with age.
On the contrary, do you think this tightrope walking is real thrilling? I do not think so, but many of us pay to scream when watching thriller films, and that is loud enough to deafen one another. A movie is still a movie. It is worse still if your boss happens to be one of the audiences, I am sorry, though sorry is the hardest word, he will hear and response to any complaints or requests no more.
By the way, if one of the legs slips, the spider is still safe with another seven. Please, don’t scream. Murmur like me.
You do not see, because I did not find, any bugs this morning. The grasses were trimmed short, as short as the hairs of my Poodle. The bugs left like the fleas, maybe for the moon. Say hi when you see black dots on the moon, but not all of them are visible, for it is a crescent moon these few days.
These are the pictures I took last week. I squatted down like always, waited quietly for them to emerge, one by one, when they began to think that I was just a rock, a rock that would not roll. A rolling rock not only rolls over mosses, it smashes bodies of bugs along the way.
The meadow was as busy as a market place. That was last week. I shall see these bugs again. I am sure! They love the earth where life is colorful. The moon is only yellow all the time, or whitish yellow, orangish yellow and yellowish yellow, that’s all.
I love our earth too. I never plan to migrate.
And I am having acrophobia; what will happen to me at a height of 406,700 km above the earth?
“Don’t come near, gadfly.” Somebody was talking to me.
It was a busy morning over in the meadow: A grasshopper hopped recklessly as it sensed an approaching earthquake. A butterfly flew restlessly as the nectar smelled sweaty and stinky. A bee hammered its head relentlessly against a weed flower; it stung itself after missing the target.
“Go away.” The protest came back. I then understood that I was not that hateful. There was some sort of gadfly nearby an ant.
I assumed the role of Superman to help fighting the villain away.
The ant was in turn busy in action, busy showing off under the flashlights.
Everybody was very busy, everybody was busy not for own self, and nothing seemed to ever get done in a busy morning.
Ah, Superman thought that he could rescue the world.
It turned a spider into gold, only the later failed to know how precious it was. It trapped the spider in amber, but again the later was lost to know how historical it could be. This day was just another day to a spider, but the morning light is always magical.
And if you are an early bird, please do not prey on spiders, make the situation and moment a whole eternity. The ignorant spiders will survive. They will survive as the morning light is magical.
The morning light is always magical. I might also be either gold or amber at that moment. Can someone show me my pictures?
Maybe the forest spirits can, because the morning light is always magical.