Monday, September 28, 2009

Greeting the Morning

I have gone hiking after raining days for some times. It is very much warmer this morning with brighter sunlight shadowing the trees along the path. I do not need to climb as in my younger days, and I can reach the top without scraping my knees.
I am not, but look as tall as a tree.

I still keep the same pose after coming out from the jungle, because I see myself more often now. I change from tall to short, go from front to the back. This, at the end, will not change the fact that I am skinny and short.

Shifting from left to right, I am inspired by myself and start to sit by the moss. You are not going to see me now. I need to be alone, and some room to relaxe.

This is another morning that I have a different touch and feel.


Bangchik and Kakdah said...

The modern term: Quantum leap, Giant Leap.... With such shadow, I would just call Giant hike!... choose the right path, you may just send the shadow up the top of the hill, without even climbing up... I bet the feel is the same.. haha. Cheers ~bangchik

fufu said...

a morning hiking?? wish i could go hiking i germany.... =p or at least go picnic every weekend lol

Salitype said...

oh! i love the moss covered ground, it is simply amazing!

skinny and short,doesn't matter, i sense a bigger man and a raw talent; capturing the essence of what is in front of him....

Rick (Ratty) said...

You have done something I always want to do. I take at least one picture of my shadow every time I go hiking. I'm not short and I'm not considered skinny. The problem is that my shadow makes me look like a fat guy, so I never show it like you did. If my shadow would ever quit trying to make me look funny then maybe I would be able to do what you did.

Joanne Olivieri said...

The Shadow Of Your Smile :) Love the photos and you are so creative rainfield. You are poetic in nature and naturally poetic.

Anonymous said...

From your shadows, you looked like a tall guy :)

Ginnymo said...

Well, at least you can seem tall in your shadows Rain..Ha!

Kirigalpoththa said...

That is Rainfield the giant :)

Anonymous said...

I love your shadow images! Those are very creative, and unique!

rainfield61 said...

Bangchik and Kakdah:
That is a good idea!! I may just send my shadow up the top of the hill, without even climbing up.

fufu: That must be some good places at Germany, waiting to walk along with you.

Salitype: Those moss covered ground is one of my favourite, my another pot of gold.

Ratty: We always share the same idea. It may be we are hikers talking in the hiker's language.

Poetic Shutterbug: I am poetic in nature and naturally poetic. I do not know until you have discovered this. lol.

Mei Teng: I am walking tall..

Ginnymo: I have been tall, at least. Ha ha ha...

Kirigalpoththa: Ha ha ha... another great description of the day. "Rainfield the giant". I love it.

George said...

I like your shadowy pictures! What a wonderful way to be as tall as a tree.

Tes said...

Very creative take on the shadow, Rain! I did the same thing before and yes... hahaha... at least in the shadow we appear tall. The moss-covered ground looks fresh!

Ayie said...

It's very relieving to commune with nature just to admire its beauty and all

being alone wandering around will make you meditate and be just free =)

Ayie said...

a great week ahead for you rainfield!

rainfield61 said...

George/Tes: Wow!! What a wonderful way to be as tall as a tree if not in real life.

Ayie: Being alone wandering around enables me to control my time and rynthm. Happy working to you as well.

Bengbeng said...

i am having a stupid thought this morning. thinking how nice it would be if i left Ocean View get a lift somehow to BM and go hiking. :)

Redzlan said...

What a coincidence.
I posted the same kind of pictures today.

Bengbeng said...

thanks for the feedback. i have removed the offending pic :)

rainfield61 said...

Bengbeng: When I am on my way to work, I see Cerok Tokun in the distance, I always have that stupid thought as well.
By the way, I do not expect you to remove that picture from your blog. You may have taken my words too seriously.

Tabib: Yes, I saw yours, and one more at another site. What a coincidence.

I am having serious problem to leave my comment to most of your blogs. I do not know is it due to my service provider or because of
The process is very slower, and most of the time the system just hang at the end.

CH said...

Giant, tall, but I see only your small head. A small head which is full of creativity.

Ana said...

Lovely. It is good to just be, and breathe in the surroundings as to where you are. Another great share and pictures. :)

AVCr8teur said...

A morning hike makes for a start to a refreshing day. I hope seeing your shadow doesn't mean a longer winter.
I am short myself so a tall shadow is much desired.

rainfield61 said...

CH: You are humorous: A small head which is full of creativity.

Ana: I feel so suprise you have pictured your shadow as well. Interesting and incredible.

AVCr8teur: Ha ha ha!!! My tall shadow shows you a longer winter. Hahaha....

Anonymous said...

Ha, you are so tall rain. :) Great post again-creative, I'd say.

betchai said...

whoa, very creative shots rainfield! i am awed with your creativity. now i know you are skinny, but short? the pictures showed you were as tall as the trees :)