
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What does 1-1 Equal ?

Facing the bright broad sky I always think, time may not be a good teacher in some cases, personal feelings then prevail, and wrong doings land both ends on a lose-lose dilemma.

But then, can a good cancel a bad? Or is the effect of a bad always heavier than a good?

That looks simple, but it never be an easy mathematics when a good is represented by a +1, and a bad by a -1.

Can 1-1 equal to 0? This doubts me.


  1. I see your point clearly here. I always get my answers in negatives regardless of the numbers I try to add. Effects of bad may be heavier but they are always temporary effects. Wrongs are wrongs for others.. but they maybe personally right to you, everyone has his own definition of good and bad. So.. let them go with theirs and you continue yours :)

  2. There nothing good, that brings something bad with it. Nothing bad, that brings something good with it...
    1+1 = ∞

  3. I think the term "bad," is subjective. I just try to live my life and not keep score. Great post and photos as always. :)

  4. I like to think the good always outweighs the bad. That bad things can happen but eventually something will good will happen to make you feel better. I love your foggy mountain scenes. Wonderful photos

  5. A person like you is not only too complicated. with that type of maths 1-1=0 and yet you said it doubts u. Then What shud be the answer! In life, we better live life as direct as possible. U r a hard person with too many twists and turns and who knows you are the one who stabs another the most!

  6. I agree that +1 and -1 do not equal zero,
    in a non-mathematical sense anyway.
    Your photos are beautiful ones of a magical environment.
    Your posts always make me think!
    And so do the other comments.

  7. Always hope it balances out! Love your shots!

  8. i don't think we ever really get back to zero, once things/events/actions have taken place - good and bad. we progress off that mark one way or the other...

    LOVE these shots. really beautiful!

  9. In the first place, there is no dirt. Its simply 1+1 = 2 – 1 = 1 x2 =2. Clean, simple mathematics.

  10. I think in the special case of good and bad 1-1 is not 0...
    I always try to think that the good has more influence than the bad...

  11. lama tak nampak kabus pagi di tanahair.

  12. Simple but beautiful photos, Rainfield. I always want to believe one good can cancel out all the bad..

  13. i second Icy. let us strive to be good and let the bad vanish in thin air.

  14. I think a good can always cancel out a bad if we remember to emphasize and keep that good in the front of our minds.

  15. Hi Rainfield, time is realistic, thus not a good teacher! Different zone, different time.
    Don't you hate time?

  16. beautiful layers of sky.

    Thanks for your quick comment. Ask your PM to give you men a day. I added a photo of some of the women in my family. Lots pf Ah Moi Chantek. lol

  17. boggles the mind. Can a good cancel a bad? I think it depends on the degree of each, though I like to think effect of good is always heavier than bad. :)

    The pictures are brilliant!!

  18. In Maths, 1-1=0
    In Arts, 1-1 = H

    Your blue mountain shots are terrific. Shall I get you some blue mountain coffee?

  19. Thes photos look like you are above the clouds! Wow!

  20. i do not see the numbers, all i see are really beautiful pictures that took my breath away! so lovely rainfield, they are sooooo good that they take away all baaad!

  21. Very3 beautiful photos and photography skills but terribly lonely. Don't you feel it alone there, rainfield? .........

  22. Zło nie równa się dobru, dobro jest zawsze większe :-). Zdjęcia oba są bardzo ładne. Pozdrawiam. *** Evil does not equal good, good is always better :-). Both pictures are very nice. Yours.

  23. Second shot is excellent... I should be shooting some of these scenes here in Japan too... anyway, I am terrible in math...

  24. I love those pictures! Stuff never cancels out because life is linear and people don't forget.

  25. The thought of "1-1=o" is very reliable answer for us,but everything of the world isn't always going well like "1-1=o".....more trichy.
    The view of mountains above clouds is very refreshing,isn't it?

  26. Hello! Very interesting post...For me everything is very easy and simple...Bad is bad and good is good.I love Your photos!

  27. A "good" can be more than a +1 depending how positive it is, but then a "bad" can be more than a -1. Seek out more +1's than -1's.

  28. I was never good at math..but you know one can be weighed down by the bad..good is able to counter it I think..if we forgive? Sometimes that takes a lot. Well, I enjoyed this and your thoughts..just fabulous photos!!

  29. You have some interesting thoughts and lovely photos.

  30. good or bad experience counts. (a+1) + (a-1) make 2a

  31. Lovely photos and words to think about!

  32. These are classic shots of heavenly scenery.

    PS: a batch-mate once challenged us to answer a similar question, whether zero is positive or negative. We argued for like 10-15 mts and ended up with no precise answer but utterly baffled heads. :D

  33. hmmm you made me think, good point ! can a good cancel a bad ?
