
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Why Do Birds Fly Away?

Time grows. We shadow. 

I see a few branches coming into sight this morning, telling me that it is a different day, though my huffs and puffs assume the other way.  

My nose is not that sensitive to differentiate how stinky I am after a long hike.

That is proven when no birds would go near me. You have to ponder over if having this problem, though time grows, your wisdom never grows when you are through.

But birds continue flying away while you are lifting your camera.

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  1. Bird flies, so we might cry and wish that we could fly too. I hope as we grow, we'll get a bit wiser!

  2. Ostrożnie, po cichu podchodzi się, a one i tak uciekają przeważnie. Trzeba mieć po prostu szczęście i dużo cierpliwości.Pozdrawiam serdecznie. *** Carefully, silently approaching, and they still run away mostly. You should be just luck and a lot of patience. Best regards.

  3. Hello Rainfield, they did not all fly away, you did capture the one who stayed behind. I do have the same problem, I have a lot of photos of empty branches. I do not mind, I still enjoy seeing them before they fly off. Nice pic's, have a great weekend!

  4. Perhaps you need to be downwind next time! :)

  5. Your English is too profound to be understood. You were taught by the Irish or the British teachers then?
    Time grows, we shadow, wisdom never grows when you are through, lifting a camera, birds fly away
    but Mr Rainfield, you still caught hold of the dead branch or the dead tree trunk, right? Life is like that, nothing is stagnant in this world.

  6. I thought only birds over here flew away when a camera was lifted. You did capture a beautiful blue sky along with the bird in your second photo.

  7. laughing at the idea that they are put off by your perspiration! :)

  8. Birds are like celebrities now.... they hate paparazzi.

  9. but at least you managed to capture some lovely branches and lovely blue skies..and oh a couple of shy birds before their flight I guess. I love your stories haha.. you are hilarious..

  10. oopss.. pardon me, I mean you managed to shoot one shy bird..haha

  11. :) LOL, I guess that makes us all stinky in birds' olfactory sense because we could't get so close to them and they fly away :) love your shots rainfield, especially the first one.

  12. Hi Rainfield, may be those birds see you as a "devil" lol..

  13. I think it is the pollution that is giving you your "perfume" and causing the birds to fly to NZ. The SeaGull at my santuary is calling your bird to fly south.

  14. You can wish to be a bird and fly effortlessly into the jungle and not have to sweat or smell.

  15. They just fly away, because they simply can. We would do the same if we could...

    Very poetic writing, beautiful photographs.

    Thank you for visiting and commmenting on myPraphernalia

    I am joining your blog, hoping you like mine also and will join back : )

    love from Norway

  16. The first pic is beautiful and surreal. And that was really funny, your thought trail.. but I'm sure the birds might be having other reasons for flying away. Like scheduled appointments or important meetings.. maybe. :)

  17. Good capture for the first shot...

  18. beautiful photos plus beautiful words... deep meaning?

  19. The shape of the tree in second photo is teribby interesting,I think.It is like a maze.

  20. Definitely need to be downwind and really really quick!

  21. I don't think birds can smell but they can see your camera. I try to be real slow and careful even from inside because they have very good eyes.
    It's a bright, sunny day here today. But not very warm. Only in the 20's. But tomorrow we will have a heat wave into the 40's! Our little bit of snow will be all gone again.
    Enjoy the birds "stinky"..Ha! Ha!

  22. I guess having them fly away is better than having them attack.

  23. I think I now know why the birds have been flying away whenever I go outside. I think maybe its time for a shower instead of an adventure for me.

  24. the birds don't mind about you being stinky. perhaps you scared them away with your wit. LOL!

  25. I always enjoy reading your thoughts and viewing your bird shots....

  26. I shoot most of my photos through my office window. But when I go outside they all fly away. Only when I sit there for a bit, they begin to return and ignore me.

  27. you forgot the time but your capture is so amazing! I like the first photo!

  28. Good question about why birds fly away when you lift your camera! Nice pictures, I love the colors and composition in the first one and the bird and golden lighting in the last.

  29. They did not all fly away. Some are still here :)
    Beautiful shots.

    Regards and best wishes

  30. Somehow your tittle today remind me of Olivia Newton John song. Wish I can fly too.

  31. birds fly because people shoot them. Tomorrow, I post the Guria of PNG.
