
Monday, September 27, 2010

The Eyes of Cerok Tokun

I was told I can find myself in the eyes if snapping without flash, so I zoom, I continue to zoom in, unfortunately I find myself not being reflected.

Nature is mysterious; the books of nature are now stacked as tall as Cerok Tokun, so much so that I have not, and shall not read her wholly.

She must have actually kept her eyes on me every moment when I am at Cerok Tokun. This is a new found secret that I would like to share with you.

If you visit nature one day, try not to use flash, tell me then whether you are trapped inside her eyes. Tell me how you feel. Tell me how our world is looking from inside out.

We have then only finished reading one page of the first book.


  1. The eyes of Cerok Tokun are always fascinating, and through yours I see beauties!

  2. The eyes has so manydiffernt shade of colours. No need contact lens.

  3. These are great pictures of the eyes of Cerok Tokun. Thanks for using your eyes to see and capture these great shots. And thanks for sharing them with us.

  4. needless to say, beauty is in the EYE of the beholder.

    out of topic, didn't know Cerok Tokun is in Penang. silly me, we visited Penang last March. i could have met you EYE to EYE. lol!

  5. WOW! amazing shots and I love seeing Cerok Tokun through your eyes.

  6. Those eyes are beautiful. You took some great shots!

  7. i've not been to CT but i do enjoy seeing your pics through your lens.

  8. Glad to have stumbled here. Like the photos you take; ants, birds, water droplets. That's what I do to but I must admit, I have not learn anything about photography. Just enjoying nature.

  9. great shots and blogs,next time y0u visit taiwan d0n't hesitate to give me a ring,i'll be happy to joining you wandering taiwan.
    visit my waterfalls post

  10. I think you are not reflected because you are magical and invisible.

  11. It is a dragon hanging up side down.

    When i was in NTU, when I was the unpaid gardener, I was working among my plants and a very jade green "dragon" came to supervise me. A friend told me, don't let it bite me, otherwise, I walk 7 steps, then I die.

  12. your eyes allow us to see the beauty and experience the wonders of Cerok Tokun.

  13. I never use a flash, but I always see nature's eyes looking at me. There are so many of them. Nature is always watching.

  14. You may of missed your reflection while she winked at you? I used to always be late for dinner when I was young- outside..I took my time. When I grew up- I I try to take the time to listen- nice thoughts and photos. Thanks so much for the uplifting B Day wishes! Today I had to finish unpacking and clean things up (whew) so I only heard clanging of pans and dishes. Have a wonderful day:)

  15. After a night with heavy dews, when the sun first comes up, there will be thousands of sparkling eyes, beaming with hope and only nature lovers can see them and appear in their eyes..........

  16. The eyes look very mysterious to me.

  17. Hi Rainfield, join me in this gardening game. You have to tell who invited you, then list down 10 things you love to do and lastly invite 10 other bloggers to the game. Have fun!

  18. eyes are the windows of the soul...
    through the eyes of nature you see the soul of the world which is turned upside down by the humans...

  19. it is interesting to see CK through yr eyes

  20. Beautiful words and nature post, Rainfield. Thanks for sharing your photos and thoughts.

  21. i never like to use flash... hihi

  22. If you cannot see yourself in their eyes, you must have escaped their traps. But, if they can't see you, are you really there?

  23. You can be sure that the eyes of Cerok Tokun are watching you.

    I am sure that you probably don't need a flash. Your camera seems to be VERY versatile and capable of immeasurable range so that you can capture incredible photographs with any assisted lighting.

  24. I am amazed at how you see things around you. You see beauty in simple things and appreciate them like a hidden treasure that you stumbled upon.

  25. Beautiful interpretation. Those watchful eyes.. I wonder if the world they see looks the same as us or not.
